Cuisine : | Thai, Italian |
Restaurant Type : | Chillout, Children/Family, Fine Dining |
Opening Hour : | 11.00 – 22.00 |
Opening Days : | Monday – Sunday |
Address : | 3 Damrongrat Rd., Hua Hin SOi 51 Hua Hin, Prachubkhirikhan 77110 |
Tel : | +668 1710 7779– |
The Duke’s Overview : The Duke’s charming open air teakwood villa, art gallery, and courtyard is a favorite restaurant among locals and visitors alike. Originally built in the period of King Rama VI by the Royal Family and used as a vacation home by Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, a younger brother of King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn) and the founder of the “Diskul” family, The Duke’s inviting ambience will immediately impress you with several unique dining areas that flow gently into one another among the swaying palms, gentle breeze, and calm of the sea.